Tuesday, May 29, 2012

...and more...

Posted a few new army lists over the weekend (2 for SL Tactical, 3 for SLPO), and have 3-5 more in various stages of completion. I want to finish those before diving into the remainder of the first WWII supplement for SLPO for which I have German and Russian data cards statted out but haven't calculated PV; still need Polish and Hungarians at minimum; would like to also include Rumanians, Finns, and Italians. Each will add about a week's time to the development/finalization of the project, but I think the delay will be worth the extra effort. Also still looking at scenarios; CG will probably be Kursk South (or maybe both North and South as a multi-sector SLPO game...).

I also took part of the long weekend to catch up on some of my personal painting projects. I've spent most of the time reserved for painting miniatures on pieces for inclusion in various book projects over the last two years. I managed to finally finish the 6mm GZG Kra'Vak force I bought a little over a year ago - 4 SHV tanks, 18 heavy tanks, 12 light tanks, 8 APC, 16 stands of infantry, 4 VTOL and 4 fighters. There are also three vehicles that Jon at GZG included as freebies (which I think are heavy APC) that are no longer listed in the GZG web store. Shame, as three of anything just isn't enough. :)

I've organized the rest of my Progenitors (Plasmablast - Marios, drop me a line if you're reading this!) for painting, a few of which are pictured in SL: Skunk Works; winter camo scheme - looks great but takes some extra work to make it look that way. Those will get some attention after I finish assembling and painting the Earthdoom stuff I received from Khurasan Miniatures today - 16 Corsair suits and 4 squads of Intruders. Stats for SLPL are already available for these, and this project has me a bit excited - I've wanted to see by-the-book SST gaming figures for a very long time (some 36 years or so, since I first read the book in grade school), and these are the best iterations I've seen. The Corsair suits would also be perfect for representing Felix/The Engine for some character-driven gaming.

I also spent some time working on map tile layouts for TFZ: Sector Command. I think the format I've worked up will fit the game quite well. Planning on having multiple combat systems for this game: one that allows players to play the game as a map-based, hex 'n counter style game without minis, and a second system that's similar to SLPO, but am still unsure of the overall battle scale. I'm leaning towards having variable task forces based around capital ships with entire systems in play at one time. Challenging to make the subject into an interesting game at this scale, but there are also some intriguing possibilities to be explored.

There will be some extras for the TFZ tactical system to tie-in with this 4x-style game, and rules (that I'm sure no one with a career and/or family - or anyone in their right mind - LOL) to use TFZv1/v2 rules for resolving battles, and SL/SLPO for planetary invasions. Lots of little loose ends to tie up with this end of the project, including creating tech trees to replace the static TL categories and allow players to develop different technologies at different rates.

Well, enough of my blabbering. Another post when I have more concrete results in the form of additional army lists (sometime this weekend, I'd wager).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New armies for Planetary Operations

Four new army lists for Strike Legion: Planetary Operations have been posted to the Legionnaire Games website's Downloads page and the Yahoo group's files section. Two lists for figures from Brigade Models (American Republic and Neo-Soviets), and two for use with miniatures from C-in-C: Overlords and Renegades. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New items for Platoon Leader

So, no campsites available - no surprise there. Spent some time finalizing the rules list for SLPLv2 and posted some experimental rules to the Yahoo group files section - Horde and Civilian teams, and rules for large vehicles: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrikeLegionmailinglist/

Several other experimental rules will be posted over the next few weeks, possibly accompanied by new unit types and scenarios in which to test them out. Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Taking a few days off

To avoid getting burned out, I'm taking a few days away from game-related activities. Coupla days hiking in the desert should help me clear my head and get pointed in the right direction with some motivation. Now to see if Joshua Tree has any campsites available for the coming weekend...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Getting Set Up...

I'm just getting things in order to run regular updates here, so expect to see frequent changes and tweaks to the basic design in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I'll be posting semi-regular updates of what's being worked on in-house, general impressions about gaming, gamers, and miniatures, and throwing out ideas for new products and expansions.

So kick the tires, have a seat, and sound off frequently!