Saturday, June 23, 2012

Progress? Umm... what progress?

Instead of spending time working like mad on the various rules projects and army/fleet lists on my hard drive, I've been taking some time away from the computer to paint minis and do some non-research reading. Taking a break helps to mentally clarify some of the things that need to be done for the different projects - and gives me some extra forces to use on the seemingly rare occasions that I get to sit at a gaming table for a few hours. I'm in the middle of finishing a few squads of Makat troops and a third platoon of Federal troops from ACP games. Once those are done, I'll be ready to do a few vehicles to accompany the Federal forces - provided Khurasan releases their Federal Army medium tanks and heavy APC in the near future (and maybe throw in a couple of SPAR mechs - not really thematic for the army, but I like 'em enough to shoehorn them in anyway...).

That doesn't mean that I've done nothing in relation to new gaming material. Some work was finished for my original setting - roughly 10 pages of short fiction and other background materials have been finalized, with another estimated 20-30 pages of fluff to go. Additional work has also been completed on SLPLv2  - some of the shorter rules have been written up, and I have more free time this weekend to complete a bit more. Some of them may be posted as additional experimental rules in the near future.

I did take an afternoon yesterday to run a demo game of SLPL at the local hobby shop for three players, two of whom helped in playtesting the SL tactical series a few years back. There was some head-scratching at first, but they started to get a feel for it after the second turn. I guess that's what happens when you go from primarily playing science fantasy games to a game with a more 'realistic' feel to its combat mechanisms - charging through or standing around in the open is not advised. ;)

I'm delaying work on the SLPO WWII module for a bit - I need to be motivated to work on a particular project. As I'm just not currently in the mood to shuffle through reams of data for creating some of the units and TO&E for this project, it'd be best to delay work on it to avoid making stupid mistakes or releasing a sub-par final product. But, being slightly daft (ok, very daft... stop chuckling in the back, there...) and prone to fits of workaholism, this could change at any moment and I could end up with a final version in short order. We'll see what happens in the next week or two...

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